by Fr. Jack Tierney, O.S.A.

Discernment can be scary. Any time we are confronted with multiple options, it’s important to take a step back – think, pray, and deliberate on a sound decision. That stage is crucial, especially for a life choice as important as a vocation.
And then… it’s time. It is time to act.
The discernment ends in an initial judgement – that this option (whatever it is) will in fact be good for me. It is an authentic and informed decision about what I believe God is calling me to do. What follows … is the application of will to that decision.
In discernment of religious life, this threshold is often when a candidate decides to apply to a religious community. However, they don’t move in tomorrow. Application to an Order takes months – necessary time to write a spiritual autobiography, obtain letters of reference, get a copy of Baptismal certificate, complete a psychological evaluation, and more.

Second-guessing is natural, but the process is designed to alleviate as much tension as possible. The Augustinians have a Screening Board that reviews a candidate’s application, and they recommend the candidate(s) to the Provincial and his Council about admission to Initial Formation.
Each August, we invite the new class to begin living with us in the Pre-Novitiate House of Formation. The Pre-Novitiate is an exposure to how Augustinians live our religious life. And the decision to move into community is a big one.
Some candidates have to sell their house or car. Some will be returning to school after years away. Some will be sharing the common life for the first time. All those fears are normal – and we pray that the Lord will strengthen our will to follow the calling that we have discerned.
Discernment is important. So is the decision to “take the plunge.” We aren’t meant to be on the fence forever. Once we have listened and decided, then it is time to pray Thy Will be Done.
What is God calling you to do?