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Próximos fines de semana de discernimiento con los agustinos
VÃdeo: La vida cotidiana de nuestros hombres en formación
Hear what life is like in formation through first hand accounts from our men at the St. Augustine Friary in Chicago.
¡Junio ha traÃdo muchas bendiciones!
The Augustinians of North America have had three Ordinations, a Solemn Profession of Vows, and two Installations of of Prior Provincials!
Mi testimonio agustino en las Naciones Unidas
Br. Jack Tierney was able to impact the United Nations with his Augustinian perspective through Augustinians International. Learn more here!
¿Cómo enseñamos a San AgustÃn en el aula?
Saint Augustine plumbs to depths of thought that many young people have never experienced. How can we help students understand Augustine?
La Fiesta de la Conversión de San AgustÃn
During the Easter Vigil, on the night between April 24 and 25, 387, Augustine was baptized by Bishop Ambrose in the Cathedral of Milan.
La columna vertebral espiritual del baloncesto de Villanova
One man integral to the Villanova basketball team is Augustinian priest Fr. Rob Hagan, O.S.A., the team chaplain and spiritual director.
Reflexiones de San AgustÃn sobre la temporada de Pascua
Sermón sobre la Vigilia Pascual y la Luz del Mundo: Si uno pregunta por la razón por la que mantenemos tal vigilia, la respuesta es fácil...
"Es una vocación inusual": el discernimiento de fr. Sam
Br Sam Joutras had a very unusual path to the Augustinian Order. Learn more about his discernment and decision to become an Augustinian here
VÃdeo: El año del noviciado, mientras se hornea el pan agustiniano
Learn more about the Augustinian Faith Formation process through a first-hand account from Br. Dan Madden, OSA.
Celebramos las ordenaciones del diácono Stephen Isley, OSA, y del diácono Aldo Potencio, OSA
It is our great honor to announce that the Augustinians began the new year by welcoming two of our friars into the diaconate.
La aplicación Confessions ofrece una nueva mirada a San AgustÃn
Take Augustine's Confessions on the go with the new Confessions App! This app includes all 13 books of the Boulding translation.
13 hombres de Sudamérica profesan sus votos en Perú
The novitate year recently closed for 13 men from around South America who professed their initial vows to the Augustinian Order.
Un viaje que cambia la vida: un viajero mundial encuentra a los agustinos
People find the Augustinians in vastly different ways. Before joining, Br. Robert Baiocco was a world traveler. Read his story here.
Una ordenación en California, una profesión en Pensilvania
The Augustinians celebrated important milestones for two of our men in formation. Check out photos from both ceremonies here.
Ser agustino: ¿qué significa?
What does it mean to be Augustinian? And what does Augustinian Education include? Is Villanova an Augustinian School?
Fraile Agustino lanza nuevo álbum
Fr. Brian Barker has released his fifth album, "On The Way". All of his music centers around the words of Saint Augustine. Read more here!
Nuestra primera experiencia en el ministerio penitenciario
Augustinian life entails caring for those who suffer from crime and poverty. We asked two brothers about their experience in prison ministry
Mi año pastoral de servicio, Hno. Bryan Kerns
As part of the 9 steps of Augustinian Formation, friars spend one to two years out of their studies at the Catholic Theological Union.
VÃdeo: Ordenación del P. Aldo Potencio, OSA
We recently Ordained Fr. Aldo Potencio, OSA. Watch what he has to say about community life and the Order here.
Capellán de baloncesto de Villanova, p. Hagan, perfilado en la revista Vision
If you are a man who has questioned whether you may be called to the religious life; then you'll want to read this profile of Fr. Hagan.
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