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Próximos fines de semana de discernimiento con los agustinos
Entrevista al P. Jack Tierney, O.S.A. sobre su ordenación al sacerdocio
A friar reflects on his spiritual journey that led him to becoming an Augustinian Priest. Click here to hear what Friar Jack Tierney says.
Primera discusión: tradición inquieta
Are you confused what the Augustinians mean by restlessness? Listen to our American Vocation Directors discuss it here.
Hno. Bill y Hermano. Jeremy te invita a su profesión solemne.
Br. Bill Gabriel, O.S.A. and Br. Jeremy Hiers, O.S.A. will make their Solemn Profession of Vows on November 14th.
GalerÃa de fotos: Ordenación del P. Dan Madden y Dcn. Elizandro Contreras
The Priesthood Ordination of Fr. Dan Madden, OSA, and the Diaconate Ordination of Dcn. Elizandro Contreras, OSA
Ceremonia completa: El Obispo Barron ordena al P. Agustino. ¡Barnaby Johns!
We just ordained a new priest outdoors in sunny California. Watch Fr. Barnaby Johns' entire ceremony here.
Vea la ceremonia completa: Ordenaciones en Villanova
Are you discerning? Come watch two Augustinian Ordinations. This ceremony was especially unique as it was done on the Feast of Saint Thomas!
Un mensaje del Prior General sobre Laudato Si
The Augustinian Order reflects on Laudato Si.
Un año en el Santuario de Santa Rita
Augustinian's daily ministry can vary widely between each friar. Read about Br. Michael Riggs, and his ministry at the Shrine of St. Rita!
¿Por qué nos unimos? Conozca a los hombres agustinos de corazón
Men join the Augustinian order for a myriad of reasons. Learn how some Men of Heart made their way to the Augustinian Order.
VÃdeo: Los agustinos alimentan a los hambrientos en el lado sur de Chicago
Community life is a cornerstone of being Augustinian. Watch our Friars help feed the hungry in impoverished Chicago neighborhoods.
Hno. Sam hace profesión vitalicia para la solemnidad de San AgustÃn
Sam Joutras recently made his lifelong vows to the Augustinian Order! For the first time, we livestreamed the entire ceremony. Watch here!
Hno. de 23 años. David profesa sus votos en Chicago
The Midwest Augustinians happily welcomed David Relstab to take his first vows in Chicago. At only 23 David proves anyone can feel the call.
GalerÃa de fotos: Hno. Arturo hace sus votos vitalicios a la orden de los Agustinos
On Friday, July 24, 2020, Br. Arturo RenterÃa, O.S.A. made his Solemn Profession of Vows to Prior Provincial Gary Sanders. Photos here.
Ceremonia completa: Ordenación sacerdotal del P. Jack Tierney O.S.A.
Full Ceremony: The Priesthood Ordination of Fr. Jack Tierney O.S.A.
"¿Cómo puedo actuar?": Una reflexión del Hno. Miguel
Br. Michael Riggs reflects on police brutality and how the Augustinians can make a positive change.
Sermón de San AgustÃn sobre la Solemnidad de los Santos. Pedro y Pablo
St. Augustine's Sermon on The Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul. Check out our blog to learn more about Saint Augustine.
Los agustinos celebran el Corpus Christi
The Augustinians celebrated Corpus Christi all over the country.
3 de mayo: Jornada Mundial de Oración por las Vocaciones
For 57 years, the Holy See has marked out the Fourth Sunday of Easter as an occasion for Catholics worldwide to pray for vocations.
DÃa de los Hermanos Religiosos
Come read our prayer during this years annual Religious Brothers Day!
La Fiesta de la Conversión de San AgustÃn
The Augustinian Order celebrates the Conversion of our Holy Father St. Augustine on April 24th each year. Learn about his restless journey.
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