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Próximos fines de semana de discernimiento con los agustinos

Los agustinos asisten a la reunión del ministerio social católico en Washington, D.C.
The Augustinians attended the USCCB's Catholic Social Ministry Gathering in D.C. in January 2025

Un salto de fe
Discerning religious life as a priest or brother can be scary. Any time we are confronted with multiple options, it’s important to take a st

La profesión solemne de fr. David Relstab, O.S.A.
Watch and Read about Br. David Relstab's Solemn Profession to the Augustinian Order

Diez consejos agustinos para cultivar tu vida de oración
Augustine gave 10 tips to Anicia Proba on how to cultivate ones prayer life.

Tres objetivos para unirnos en torno a la evangelización
In the ninties, the U.S. Bishops released three specific and concrete goals for evangelization.

Seis hombres de corazón hacen su primera profesión de votos
Six Men of Heart Make their First Profession of Vows

Cómo me convertà en el primer agustino de Sri Lanka en 500 años
Por el p. John Arulthas, OSA Cada agustino tiene su camino único hacia la Orden. Mi camino de discernimiento me llevó desde Sri Lanka...

Presión de "pera": ¡No seas cabeza de pera!
The Pear Story in Augustine's Confessions is one of his well- known adolescence stories and one of my favorites in his writings.

Un camino hacia la unidad en un mundo dividido
How can we find peace in a world with so much conflict and division?

Los agustinos en Roma
The Augustinians have a wide presence in the eternal city. Learn about our presence in Rome and Vatican City here.

Ascensión de Cristo - AgustÃn
Ascension of Christ - Augustine

Encontrar esperanza en el Dios que se preocupa
Saint Monica famously led Augustine back to Christianity after he left the faith. Read about their story and relationship here.

La dinámica de la gracia santificante y las tendencias pecaminosas
Sin after baptism? If you were baptized as an infant, you may wonder how you experience sin after the sacrament. Augustine has an answer.

Cómo llegué a vivir con los agustinos
John Greene's vocation led him to a year of service and prayer at Cascia Hall, our college preparatory school in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Inquietos hasta que descansemos en Dios
Why do we feel as if we never have enough? Augustine invites us to examine what we are really searching for.

Sermones agustinos para la Pascua
Read Saint Augustine’s Sermons on the Death and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ here.

Cinco caminos de encuentro para la evangelización
What is evangelization, who is called to be part of it, and what wisdom does Saint Augustine offer us? Read here to learn more.

Conversión de San AgustÃn
Augustine was baptized on April 24th, 386. Click to read more about his conversion, and the path he had taken to find God.
Ver: La Profesión Solemne (y Noche de Micrófono Abierto) del Hno. Michael Riggs
Watch the Solemn Profession of Br. Michael Riggs - and join the crowd at a local Open Mic Night as he shares his musical talents.

Jornada Mundial de Oración por las Vocaciones y DÃa del Hermano Religioso
April 31st is World Day of Prayer for Religious Vocations, and May 1st is Religious Brothers Day. Celebrate with us!
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