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Three Goals to Unite Around for Evangelization
In the ninties, the U.S. Bishops released three specific and concrete goals for evangelization.
"Pear" Pressure": Don't Be a Pear Head!
The Pear Story in Augustine's Confessions is one of his well- known adolescence stories and one of my favorites in his writings.
Finding Hope in the God Who Cares
Saint Monica famously led Augustine back to Christianity after he left the faith. Read about their story and relationship here.
The Dynamics of Sanctifying Grace and Sinful Tendencies
Sin after baptism? If you were baptized as an infant, you may wonder how you experience sin after the sacrament. Augustine has an answer.
World Day of Prayer for Vocations and Religious Brothers Day
April 31st is World Day of Prayer for Religious Vocations, and May 1st is Religious Brothers Day. Celebrate with us!
Restless Until We Rest in God
Why do we feel as if we never have enough? Augustine invites us to examine what we are really searching for.
Five Paths of Encounter for Evangelization
What is evangelization, who is called to be part of it, and what wisdom does Saint Augustine offer us? Read here to learn more.
Conversion of St. Augustine
Augustine was baptized on April 24th, 386. Click to read more about his conversion, and the path he had taken to find God.
The Augustinian Commitment to Addressing the Environmental Crisis
How does the Rule of St. Augustine apply to environmental crises, and other challenges addressed by Laudato Si'?
Learn more about Br. Manny as he awaits his Ordination to the Priesthood
If you're discerning a Vocation, read this short interview of Br. Emmanuel Issac on what led him to be an Augustinian.
Purity of Heart according to Augustine
Purity of heart is a large part of Catholic faith. Learn about purity of heart in Augustine's De Trinitate from Fr. Carlos Medina, O.S.A.
A Year at the Shrine of St. Rita
Augustinian's daily ministry can vary widely between each friar. Read about Br. Michael Riggs, and his ministry at the Shrine of St. Rita!
Video: The Path to Ordination of Fr. Jeff and Fr. Joe
Discerning? Fr. Jeff Raths, O.S.A., and Fr. Joe Roccasalva, O.S.A. detail their spiritual journeys and how they ended up as Augustinians.
Video: "We are laying down our lives" - The Solemn Professions of 2021
Hear firsthand accounts from 3 Men of Heart on their discernment process.
Br. David Addresses High School Students for Vocation Awareness Week
Confused on what exactly a Vocation is? Read Br. David's explanation here.
Who was St. Augustine's Mother?
St. Monica was a woman of incredible faith and heart. Learn about the mother of St. Augustine and why she is a Hero of our Faith.
"How I found the Augustinians" by Br. David Relstab, O.S.A.
David Relstab's first ran into the Augustinians when he was in 7th grade, where he met Fr. Tom McCarthy, now the Midwest Vocation Director.
Video: Tenebrae with our Men in Formation
Augustinian friars reflect on the passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ and wait with eager hope the resurrection on Easter Sunday.
"Ask and You Will Receive": Lenten Reflection by Br. Jeremy Hiers
Who do we rely on for help in our time of need? This Gospel asks us to place our trust in God and to trust him Unconditionally.
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