Serving the World
International Augustinian Mission Work

The Augustinian missionary spirit has been alive and a core element of the Order for centuries. It was the same missionary spirit that initially brought the Augustinians to the United States from Ireland in 1796.
The Augustinians of North America serve as missionaries across the world, primarily in Japan and Peru.
In 1963, Pope John XXIII requested that the Augustinians rebuild the Church in northern Peru.
Peru, a developing country, has suffered natural disasters, political instability, and economic uncertainty in recent past. Northern Peru, in the area near Chulucanas, is one of the poorest and most underdeveloped regions in the country. The missions we serve daily stretch from the desert area along the Pacific Coast to the Andes Mountains.
Bishop John McNabb, O.S.A. led the Diocese of Chulucanas as its first Bishop and is succeeded by current Bishop Daniel Turley, O.S.A; both Bishops are Augustinian missionaries from the Midwest Province of Our Mother of Good Counsel. The Diocese has flourished over the past 50 years to give birth to 22 parishes, one hospital, one Catholic university, and many projects to benefit and educate the local extremely impoverished community.
To grow the Augustinian Order in Latin America, our Province has developed priorities for the success of our Vicariate in Peru. The long-term goal of our missionary efforts is to incrementally strengthen the local Order with native vocations and financial sustainability so that it may one day be fully independent. We are nearing this dream each day.
The story of Augustinian presence in Japan is one that spans centuries. Friars from various countries arrived in Japan in 1602, and count among their earliest members several who suffered martyrdom together with native Japanese friars and lay associates during periods of religious persecution. Today, Augustinians minister in four cities in Japan: Nagasaki, Fukuoka, Nagoya and Tokyo. Though the Catholic population in Japan is very small, friars minister to dedicated and faith-filled communities of both native Japanese and foreign-born parishioners.
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